In all countries of the European region and in most developed countries there are specific norms that regulate the mechanical vibrations of industrial machinery, proposing criteria for limiting them, delimiting instruments and measurement points, machine clasifications, etc. There are different regulations to categorize vibration severity, with respect to the specific damage it can cause. For example, a vibration level may be very low for a machine type, but it may be unacceptable to the operator handling it. There are some regulations that give an indication of the machine condition based on the overall vibration value, regardless of the type of machine. Many of the international standards are translated and incorporated into the regulations of each national organization. There are standards published by organizations such as American National Standards Institute (ANSI), German Association of Engineers (VDI) or International Standards Organization (ISO). There are also standards at European level (EN) and national standards (UNE). Some standards are published by industry groups such as the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), the National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA), etc.